Friday, December 18, 2015

Tehran: political prisoner Fateme Ziayie under interrogation & harassed

Tehran: political prisoner Fateme Ziayie under interrogation & harassed
Political prisoner Fateme Ziyaie, arrested along with her husband Mahmoud Azimi in their home, is currently held under inhumane conditions in ward 209 of Evin Prison .
There is still no report over the arrest, detention and interrogation of this prison who was a political prisoner back in the 1980s. Interrogators have deliberately held her under inhumane conditions in the cells of ward 209 in Evin Prison.
The inhumane mullahs’ regime uses the utmost brutality vis-à-vis families of Liberty residents.
Fateme Ziyaie, 56, is a former political prisoner in Iran. She spent 5 years behind bars from 1981 to 1986.

Political prisoner Fateme Ziyaie in Evin Prison

Tehran: 40,000 cases of repression against women, girls on mal-veiling in past 8 months alone

Tehran: 40,000 cases of repression against women, girls on mal-veiling in past 8 months alone
According to Teymour Hosseini, chief of Greater Tehran traffic police said from March to November of this year over 40,000 cases of repressive measures against women with “improper” veiling. Vehicles were pounded and people were identified to the judiciary apparatus.
This official also used strong terms against the people under the pretext of taking measures against corruption regarding people’s clothing and loud music from people’s vehicles.

Crackdown against women and girls under pretext of improper veiling

Monday, December 14, 2015

De Stichting Familieleden is voor mij als mijn familie.

De Stichting Familieleden is voor mij als mijn familie.
Op een dag belde ik naar hun kantoor om te vragen  of ze documentatie hadden over het meer van Urumiye dat aan het verdrogen is.
Ze hebben me toen een heel informatief boek toegestuurd.
Toen ik het boek wilde terugsturen hebben ze mij uitgenodigd op hun kantoor.
Ik vond daar hele bibliotheek met informatie in verschillende talen.
Ik maakte kennis met twee moeders , waarvan de kinderen tussen 1982 en 1988 waren geëxecuteerd.
Ik was zeer onder de indruk van hun verhalen en verbaasde me dat de wereld dergelijk onrecht en geweld verzwijgt en onverschillig laat gebeuren.
Heeft het leven van deze mensen geen waarde?
Toen ik thuiskwam heb ik ze gesteund met een substantieel bedrag.
Ik vind dat wij allen verantwoordelijk zijn voor de politieke vluchtelingen die naar ons land zijn gekomen.
Ik steun daarom de Stichting Familieleden.

De lichamelijke en geestelijke verzorging van mensen staat bij mij als gepensioneerd arts hoog in het vaandel.
Om die reden wil ik mij inzetten om mensen in hun pijn en ellende te ondersteunen.
Op een boekenbeurs in Haarlem maakte ik voor het eerst kennis met de Stichting Familieleden.
Ze waren daar bezig met een handtekeningenactie.
Twee weken daarna hadden ze een bijeenkomst in de Vrije  Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Daar kwam ik in gesprek met een Iraanse vrijwilligerster .
Zij toonde mij een schrikbarend verslag met statistische gegevens over mensen die nieren, ogen en andere lichaamsdelen  afstaan uit pure armoede .
Ik kon het niet geloven.
Ik heb doorgevraagd, rekeningen en documenten bekeken en lang met een  economische expert  de kosten van hun stichting doorgerekend.
Ik ken inmiddels veel vrijwilligers van de stichting en maakte kennis met de internationale  advocaat van hun organisatie.
Ik was zeer onder de indruk.
Ik voel me echt thuis bij deze mensen en vertrouw ze.
Ze werken hard en geven hoop aan diegenen voor wie mensenrechten en de vrijheid van het Iraanse volk na aan het hart ligt.
De Stichting Familieleden staat hoog op mijn lijstje van de goede doelen die ik steun.

F .Eghbali 

Iranian woman to be stoned to death as world marks UN ’Human Rights Day’

For this photo, an Iranian woman symbolically dressed up as a victim of death by stoning as part of a protest by the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Brussels

Iranian woman to be stoned to death as world marks UN ’Human Rights Day’
Fox News, Dec. 10, 2015 - As the world marks International Human Rights Day on Thursday, Iran is continuing its execution spree with the announcement that a woman has been sentenced to death by stoning.
The gruesome penalty, in which the wrongdoer is buried up to their shoulders and pelted with rocks, was first reported on the Persian-language Iranian website LAHIG. The woman, who was identified only by the initials “A.Kh,” was convicted of being complicit in her husband’s murder.
An Iranian criminal court in Rasht, the capital city of the northern province of Gilan, handed down the brutal sentence.
“The rate of executions in Iran has not decreased in the last few years, it has increased,' Maryam Nayeb Yazdi, a prominent Canadian-Iranian human rights activist based in Toronto, told '… The probability of a stoning sentence to be carried out is slim due to the international sensitivity of the issue; there is a great chance her sentence may be ‘converted’ to death by hanging.”
“The rate of executions in Iran has not decreased in the last few years, it has increased.'
Iran is believed to have imposed death by stoning on at least 150 people since the Islamic Revolution in 1980, according to the International Committees against Execution and Stoning.
'The stoning sentence is an indication of the Iranian regime’s continued war against women in Iran. Arbitrary executions in Iran must be on top of the agenda in any dialogue between Iran and the West.”
After a widespread public-pressure campaign in the West in 2010, Iran dropped the stoning penalty against a 43-year-old Iranian woman. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was sentenced to stoning for alleged adultery. Her case remains shrouded in judicial mystery and it is unclear if she will still be executed.
“Whether or not one SUPPORTS the nuclear deal with Iran, it is astonishing that the West cultivates an ever-closer alliance with a theocratic regime widely known for its abysmal human rights record and aggressive behavior in the region,' Julie Lenarz, executive director of the UK-based Human Security Center told 'They hang men for the 'crime' of writing poems; or engaging in peaceful protest; or loving someone of the same sex.
“Women are stoned for being raped and Iranian law even allows for juvenile executions. Iran is averaging three hangings per day at the moment and remains a pariah state with no regard for human life,' she added. 'In a despicable form of moral myopia, the gold rush for BUSINESS, as the international sanctions regime begins to unravel, has made Western governments blind to the suffering of ordinary Iranians at the hands of the Ayatollahs.”
The UN’s Human Rights Day is observed every year on Dec. 10 and commemorates the day in 1948 on which the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
By Benjamin Weinthal
Benjamin Weinthal reports on human rights in the Middle East. He is a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Iran: Outbreak of Swine Flu in several provinces and prisons

Iran: Outbreak of Swine Flu in several provinces and prisons

Fearful of social unrest, Iranian regime is hiding number of those afflicted or dead

The outbreak of Swine Flu in various provinces, especially in Kerman and Sistan-Baluchistan, has spread further and the flu has now reached Tehran, Hamadan, Boushehr and Shiraz. However, the antihuman regime ruling Iran has not taken any steps to fight this outbreak and treat the patients. It has not allocated any special budget to confront the flu and is publishing contradictory figures and false reports about the number of those afflicted and the victims in fear of social unrest.
On the one hand regime’s leaders claim that there had just been a few stricken and that the disease is under control and on the other hand, regime’s Ministry of Health has announced in contradictory remarks that following Kerman and Sistan-Baluchistan provinces, Kurdistan, Lorestan, Khuzestan, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari, Esfahan, Tehran, Semnan and Northern Khorassan are provinces that in the coming weeks will suffer from Swine Flu.
While Hassanpour, a Kerman parliamentarian, stated on December 8 that “over 30 people have lost their lives in Kerman and Sistan-Baluchistan provinces like the falling leaves in autumn” and Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, another representative from Kerman, noted a day later that 750 people with this flu have been hospitalized in Kerman’s hospitals, regime’s Ministry of Health announced after two weeks that the number of people who have died of the flu is 33. There are also reports that several people lost their lives to Swine Flu in the city of Mehran in Ilam border province, but regime’s officials deny the existence and outbreak of this disease in Ilam and border cities.
Hashemi, Rouhani’s Minister of Health, stated in an antihuman remark: “Always the VIRUS that causes flu is dangerous to some… there is no need for vaccination in this season” (Iranian regime state TV – December 8). According to Mehr state news agency on December 2, the drugs needed for this lethal disease are not available in pharmacies and hospitals. Other regime’s officials with the Health Ministry acknowledged that many hospitals in Ilam and Kermanshah do not have beds with special isolated respiratory equipment that is needed to treat the patients.
Children under 5, pregnant women, the elderly, as well as patients suffering from diabetics, heart disorders, and kidney and liver diseases are more vulnerable to this VIRUS. Regime’s inaction to prevent the outbreak of this disease puts the lives of these people at greater risk.
In recent years, France and European governments, as well as many other countries, have implemented widespread vaccination to bar the spread of this disease.
While the wealth of the Iranian people is spent by the Iranian regime on anti-nationalistic projects such as nuclear, export of fundamentalism, and internal suppression or is plundered by regime’s leaders and while the regime is spending exorbitant amounts of money to treat the terrorists it dispatches to Syria, Yemen and other countries in the region, attending to the problems of the Iranian people in such crisis has no place. The budget allocated to health and medical treatment or fundamental investments in public health in Iran RANKS amongst the worst in the world while the figures of victims of diseases ranks among the highest globally.
December 11, 2015