Wednesday, September 30, 2015

StichtingVan De Familieleden Organisation

Ik ben architect. Altijd als vrienden van Stichting van de Familieleden  STFA hulp nodig hebben ik help ze. Ik vind dat ze lief zijn. Ze werken hard. Ik heb vorig jaar voor eerste keer hun in maand december geholpen. Ik en mijn vrouw willen ze samen helpen. Mijn zoon die 5 jaar is nadat zijn spaarpot vol was nam die naar de stichting vrijwillige moeders gingen de verjaardag van mijn zoon vieren. Ik ben blij dat ik deze stichting ken en hun kan helpen. Ik hoop dat mijn hulp hun doel bereikt.

Patrik v d  Noord 

StichtingVan De Familieleden Organisation

  Onze winkel geeft Stichting van de Familieleden STFA elke dag gratis brood omdat de hulp die ze krijgen besteden ze aan de projecten. Ik pak elke dag voor 30 vrijwilligers brood in iemand komt brood elke ochtend ophalen. Ik hoop dat mijn hulp belangrijk is. Ik doe alle hulp tegen mullahs die meisjes in hun gezicht met zuur spuiten en mensen worden geëxecuteerd voor hun ideeën. Ik ben blij dat ze help.

J M C schrijver

StichtingVan De Familieleden Organisation

Een tijd geleden heb ik een Iraanse man ontmoet. Hij was vroeger in Iran leraar. Hij kan niet 20 jaar naar Iran gaan omdat mullahs in Iran zijn. Hij doet 2 dagen in de week vrijwilligers werk voor de stichting. Hij vroeg aan mij of ik wou voor mensenrechten project helpen omdat ik in catering werk leg ik elke dag eten en drinken voor vrijwilligers klaar. Dit is mijn hulp voor de Stichting van de Familieleden  STFA.

StichtingVan De Familieleden Organisation

Ik ben een accountant van beroep en ik zou graag mijn donatie aan mijn drie favorieten groepen doneren. Namelijk STFA Stichting van de Familieleden, Artsen zonder grenzen en Journalisten zonder grenzen. Mijn werkervaring laat mij telkens zien dat mensen die vrijwillig, eerlijk en vriendelijk voor een goed doel strijden gesteund moeten worden. 
Mijn beste vrienden ik wens jullie heel veel succes en ik ga dit jaar in november een flinke bijdrage aan jullie doneren.

 Dr. M.A.A.J  ten Cate 

StichtingVan De Familieleden Organisation

In de kerk heb ik met een christelijke man kennis gemaakt. Hij komt uit Iran. Ik was gelijk onder de indruk van zijn persoonlijke eigenschappen. Hij heeft mij later uitgenodigd bij hun thuis. Daar ben ik meer op de hoogte gebracht over de situatie van christelijken in Iran. Ik heb begrepen hoe deze mensen in Iran worden onderdrukt en waarom zij uit Iran vluchten. De meneer die mij heeft uitgenodigd waar ik nu bevriend mee ben steunen de stichting Iraanse familie leden maandelijks. Ze hebben mij gevraagd om de stichting ook te steunen. Ik doe dit nu al 8 jaar lang elke maand. Ik ben blij dat ik in contact ben gekomen met deze stichting(Stichting van de Familieleden STFA )  met mijn vriend Josef doen wij een keer per week vrijwilligerswerk voor de  stichting en hier ben ik heel blij mee.

Guido van Aarst

Monday, September 28, 2015

1 million children without identity in Iran: official

Abbas Ghaedi Rahmat, spokesman of the Social Commission in the Iranian regime’s so-called parliament said estimates show 1 million children in the country are the result of Iranian women marrying foreigners and living inside Iran, leaving these children literally without legal identities.
Currently these children don’t have any identification papers and can be a major problem for the country, he added. These innocent children will be facing legal, hygiene, social medical care and education problems in Iran under the mullahs’ regime.

Children without identities in Iran

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Women unemployment rates in 20 provinces across Iran

The state-run IRNA news agency has published a full report on unemployment of women in Iran.
“Unemployment amongst women in 20 provinces across Iran is above 20%, and only 11 provinces are actually under 20%. The provinces of Fars and Mazandaran, with 37.8% and 31.8% respectively, have the highest rate of women’s unemployment in the country.”
The state-run IRNA news agency reported currently women’s employment in Iran is currently in poor conditions, and this is even far worse for young women. Unemployment amongst women between the ages of 15 and 24 in Iran is over 40%.
Statistics show unemployment rates amongst young women in Kohgilaviye & Boyer Ahmad Province to be 82.8%, and these numbers are 70.5% in Alborz Province; 68.7% in Ilam Province; 77.3% in Tehran Province; 65.6% in Mazandaran Province; and 62.3% in Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiary Province.
The numbers stated above show that young women in provinces across the country areLOOKING FOR WORK, but are unable in finding work.
Two provinces of Fars and Mazandaran have unemployment rates above 30% for women, and unemployment rates for young women 51.3% and 65.6%, respectively in these two provinces. Both are due to specific reasons in these provinces.
Unemployment means living life without any money, no social identity and disappointment that is cementing a climate of hopelessness for those seeking work in Iran, whereas women being able to find work means much more than just their social identity, but also having access toFINANCIAL income. 
This state-run news agency wrote in conclusion: Unemployment rates in Iran are alarming. The unemployed population being on the rise each day cannot have a good message.

Women looking for job in Iran

Imprisoned Iranian-American pastor summoned, threatened with torture

Pastor Saeed Abedini, held in Gohardasht Prison of Karaj (west of Tehran), was summoned on September 22 by the prison counterintelligence branch and agents by the names of Bahraini and Mazare’ threatened toFILE new court cases and the use of torture against him.
Mazare’ had an electric shocker in his hand and would turn it on at times in an attempt to terrify this prisoner of conscience. 
From March of this year Saeed Abedini has been the subject of harassment many times. He was also transferred to solitary confinement once during this period.

Pastor Saeed Abedini, seen here with his children

Friday, September 25, 2015

Iran suppressive security forces tortured a prisoner in the presence of the judge

In a horrifying action, a young prisoner accused of forging ID cards was severely and inhumanely tortured while the judge was watching the punishment. 
Salman Nakhaie was arrested on Sept. 8, 2015 and was transferred to the local branch of the ministry of information in the city of Jiroft, western Iran. He then was formally charged and sentenced to torture and imprisonment. 
The interrogator, a man named Talebi orders the guards to extract confession from the prisoner. The guards then tie the prisoner’s feet and hands together to a working air conditioner which resulted in severe burns to his hands and his back. 
The report says the judge and the interrogator were present while Salman was being burned and tortured. The vicious and barbaric torture continued until the prisoner was unconscious
These cruel and barbaric punishments are continued in the mullahs’ ruled Iran while western countries are negotiating and dealing this medieval regime.   

Prisoner tortured in Iran in the presence of the judge

Shocking divorce numbers in Iran under Rouhani

Mohammad Ibrahim Tarighat, spokesman of the Census Organization in Hassan Rouhani ’s government revealed shocking numbers of divorces in Iran.
“79,806 divorces have been registered in the past 6 months, meaning 436 divorces each day, and to be more precise 18 divorces every hour,” he said.

Poverty and suppression in Iran result in skyrocketing number of divorces

Iran official: women receive very low wages, in tough jobs

A senior labor official in the Iranian regime said in an interview with the state-run ISNA news agency revealed that many of the country’sECONOMIC institutions are shut down.
“Today we seeJOBS that must be carried by men are given to women with very low wages, whereas such jobs are not adequate for women. They are forced into service jobs in order to make ends meet, and unfortunately employers are providing them with the lowest of wages,” he said.
This is yet another catastrophe brought about by the mullahs’ ruling Iran, and also showing nothing has changed and the status quo has actually worsened under the so-called moderate Hassan Rouhani .

Women workers in Iran under harsh conditions

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Photo report: Sleeping on the streets of Iran

The following is a photo report of life for Iran’s homeless population who are forced out of poverty to sleep on the streets.
Homeless women and street children live in dire conditions where they survive in abandoned buildings, containers, automobiles, parks, or even on the street itself.
Street children experience many social and psychological traumas on the streets on a daily basis
At least 20,000 homeless Iranians are living in cardboard boxes on the streets of Tehran
Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Homeless people sleeping on the streets of Iran

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Teachers protesting in Iran

A large number of teachers, including many women, rallied last Wednesday, September 6th at Pastur Square outside the president office in Tehran, incoming reports indicate. These teachers expressed their outrage over the apprehension of a number of their colleagues, low wages for teachers, their poor insurance conditions and the fact that their demands stated last year were not responded to.

Iran: 9 actresses banned from performing

Nine famous actresses in Iran have been banned from acting due to “improper veiling and breaking the norms”, according to a recent statement issued by a government body supervising over the TV & Radio Organization in Iran.
Madams Linda Kiyani, Hanane Shahshahani, Narges Mohammadi, Alnaz Habibi, Bahare Afshari, Hadith Mir-amini, Sahar Ghoreishi, Ronak Younesi and Rabe’e Oskuie – all famous actresses of Iran’s cinema and theater – have been banned from performing in the future. 

Women’s unemployment rates in Iran

Unemployment in Iran reached 10.8% in the spring of 2015 and these numbers varied between 7.8% and 15.6% in the country’s border provinces, according to a report issued by the Statistics Center.
Unemployment amongst young women, both across the country and in border areas, was worse than all other groups. Unemployment amongst men between the ages of 15 to 24 was reported at 20.9% across the country, and yet 43.1% percent amongst women in this age group.
Unemployment amongst women in Mazandaran Province (northern Iran) was reported at a whopping 65.6%.
In the provinces of North Khorasan , Southern Khorasan and Khorasan Razavi half of the women in this age group are reported to be unemployed.
The lowest unemployment rate of women in this age group was 26.4% in East Azerbaijan Province. However, this, itself is twice the unemployment numbers of the entire country.
The worse unemployment numbers reported belonged to Kohgilaviye and Boyer Ahmed (southern Iran) in which 82.8% of women are unemployed. 48.2% of the youth in this province are unemployed, ranking 1st in the country.

Story of college graduate girls resorting to street peddling in Iran

The state-run Tabnak website wrote a piece about street vendors in Iran:
Prior to this it was imagined that street vendors are resorting to such measures due to economic problems or unemployment issues. Currently, a large number of women are seen doing street peddling in the metros and they are citing financial issues, family problems and a shortage in supplies.
A number of these women are actually college graduates and they have resorted to running street shops despite all its problems.
“I have two children and I am Ok with selling goods in the metros. But unfortunately, some people don’t have the maturity to see us in such conditions,” said Leila, 45, with a bachelor’s degree incomputer science.
“I am in poor financial conditions and my earnings do not live up to provide for myself and my husband. I couldn’t find a job after graduating from college and this forced me to start street Peddling,” said Maryam, 27, a graduate in agriculture.

Monday, September 21, 2015

21 September 2015; De Internationale Dag Van De Vrede

21 September 2015; De Internationale Dag Van De Vrede

Stichting van de Familieleden STFA

Wij zijn een groep uit 12 mensen. Op zondag 13 september van Den haag naar Breda zijn wij reisgenoten geworden.
Ons team bestond uit studenten en zorgverleners.(artsen, verpleegkundigen enz).
Ons team is ter ondersteuning van de kampanje mensenrechten in elkaar gezet.
wij hebben samen  €310 verzameld en hebben alles aan de Stichting van de Familieleden STFA gegeven.
Wij staan achter deze stichting en bij de volgende project gaan we medicijnen voor de vrijheidsstrijders in kamp Liberty verzamelen.


Stichting van de Familieleden STFA

Ik heb de vrienden van de Stichting van de Familieleden STFA tijdens een reis naar Amsterdam ontmoet.
Ik was met mijn leerlingen onderweg naar Amsterdam met de trein.
Mijn leerlingen waren dan aan het zingen. Dan kwam een vrouw bij ons. zij pakte haar gitaar en deed met de groep mee. 
Voordat we in Amsterdam aankwamen, vroeg ik haar naam en zo is ons vriendschap begonnen.
Nu na de jarenlang weet ik veel over Iran, wat nooit in de media te vinden valt.
Zelfs de journalisten die in Iran rapportages maken komen of niet mogen zich met bepaalde onderwerpen bemoeien.
Ik ben blij dat ik mijn vrienden van de stichting Iraanse familieleden kan helpen. Ik ben van mening dat ons steun en hulp de probleem grondig aanpakken. anders heeft dat geen zin.
Wij hebben in ons klas een spaarpot staan. Wij doen regelmatig ons bijdrage daarin.
Ik ga zelf in mijn vrije tijd naar stad en deel ik brochures uit en ik ben nu een vrijwilliger die mensen om hulp vraag.
Ik vraag jullie ook om hulp.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Iran: female prisoner on hunger strike

Iran: female prisoner on hunger strike
Jailed child rights activist Atena Faraghdani went on hunger strike for three days protesting “bogus allegations” raised against her by security agents.
The mother of this prisoner said her daughter was charged on Saturday, September 12, of having “illegitimate relations” with her lawyer, Mohammad Moghimi for shaking his hand in prison. Even the lawyer has been arrested and transferred to Rajaie Shahr Prison in Karaj, west of Tehran. This arrest raised numerous protests from various lawyers. 
Despite her dire physical conditions Faraghdani launched this hunger strike and protested the bogus allegations.
She was already sentenced by a so-called Islamic court to 12 years and 9 months behind bars on charges of “propaganda against the state, measures against national security, insulting members of parliament through drawings, and insulting Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).” Faraghdani was arrested on August 23, 2014 by the IRGC and spent nearly two months in Ward 2A of Evin Prison that is under IRGC supervision. Twenty days of her detention was in solitary confinement. She also went on hunger strike for twenty days protesting lack of access to a lawyer, being deprived of phone calls with her family and her continued illegal detention. However, she suffered a heart attack on the 18th day and was hospitalized in Firuzgar Hospital, south of Tehran. A few days later she was returned to Evin Prison.
(September 15, 2015)