Friday, September 25, 2015

Iran suppressive security forces tortured a prisoner in the presence of the judge

In a horrifying action, a young prisoner accused of forging ID cards was severely and inhumanely tortured while the judge was watching the punishment. 
Salman Nakhaie was arrested on Sept. 8, 2015 and was transferred to the local branch of the ministry of information in the city of Jiroft, western Iran. He then was formally charged and sentenced to torture and imprisonment. 
The interrogator, a man named Talebi orders the guards to extract confession from the prisoner. The guards then tie the prisoner’s feet and hands together to a working air conditioner which resulted in severe burns to his hands and his back. 
The report says the judge and the interrogator were present while Salman was being burned and tortured. The vicious and barbaric torture continued until the prisoner was unconscious
These cruel and barbaric punishments are continued in the mullahs’ ruled Iran while western countries are negotiating and dealing this medieval regime.   

Prisoner tortured in Iran in the presence of the judge

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