Friday, October 23, 2015

Iran: families of political prisoners, human rights activist rally in an anti-govt. protest

More than 500 human rights activists and freedom loving people of Iran’s capital, Tehran joined the families of political prisoners in front of DENA complex on Monday Oct. 19th demanding the freedom of political prisoners. 
Reports indicate that plain clothes agents of the infamous intelligence ministry appeared among the demonstrators posing as taxi drivers, garbage collectors and construction workers tearing up posters and clashing with the demonstrators. 
The protesters’ main demand was to free Mohammad-Ali Taheri who is on hunger strike for more than two months. On Monday he ended his 68th day of hunger strike.
But despite suppressive measures by the government agents to break up the demonstration, more people were joining the rally. At 1130, when the number of the crowd got so large that the demonstration extended few blocks down, the IRGC and the intelligence ministry agents cordoned the demonstration, blocking the two ends of the rally to prevent further expansion and more people to join. 
The demonstration lasted for hours and the suppressive agents were afraid of any aggression, fearing it could provoke a larger and angrier demonstration.

The protesters main demand was to free Mohammad-Ali Taheri who is on hunger strike for more than two months

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