Thursday, October 22, 2015

Iran: protest against the treatment of political prisoner Narges Mohammadi in hospital

A protest has been lodged against the degrading and inhumane treatment of political prisoner, Narges Mohammadi who is currently hospitalized for severe illness in a hospital in Tehran. She was transferred from the notorious Evin Prison to the hospital after having severe convulsions muscle paralysis and lung emboli. 
Mrs. Narges has been arrested Three times so far for speaking out against human rights in Iran. She was last arrested in May at her house in front of her two young children. 
At the hospital, Mrs. Mohammadi has been tied to her bed despite her severe codition and an agent of the infamous intelligence ministry has been assigned to her bed 24-7.  
The medical staff at the hospital where she is being treated for her illnesses have insisted that she must have rest away from psychosocial pressures of being tied to the bed and being watched round the clock. She has twice had convulsions since being hospitalized, but the brutal regime of the mullahs refuse to let this patient observe her medical treatments.  
Narges Mohammadi 

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