Monday, October 5, 2015

Separated Iranian diplomat sheds light on IRGC role in Saudi Hajj incident

At a time when Iran’s aggressions and attacks have increased by this country’s political and military officials against Saudi Arabia have escalated, and Khamenei held Riyadh responsible for the unfortunate Mecca incident that left hundreds killed, a separated Iranian diplomat has revealed that six Revolutionary Guards officers were behind the entire Mena incident, Al reported on Sunday. He accused Tehran of preparing this plan to kill a large number of pilgrims and launch a violent demonstration as a result.
Farzad Farhangian, the separated Iranian diplomat said prior to the Hajj pilgrimage he had warned that Khamenei’s regime has an intention to carry out terrorist attacks during this pilgrimage, adding after the incident he heard remarks from Iran that were not in line with diplomatic customs.
Farhangian used to serve as a Foreign Ministry advisor, and was then transferred to Iran’s embassies in Dubai, Baghdad, Morocco and Yemen. His last post was serving as Tehran’s 2nd man in Iran’s embassy in Belgium.
Investigations show the Mena incident was a terrorist attack and Iran was involved, he says. There were 5,000 IRGC members amongst the Hajj pilgrims and their plan was to cause the highest number of deaths possible and provoke the following demonstration and violent measures. However, Saudi security apparatuses immediately controlled the situation and Tehran’s plot ended in complete failure.

Farzad Farhangian, separated Iranian diplomat

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