Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Iran: shocking figures – 70,000 high school students have used crack

Drug distribution in various cities, especially in Tehran, has grown and become much easier than ever before, said a regime official in Iran.
2.65% of the country’s population between the ages of 15 to 65 are addicted to drugs, and currently in major cities such as Tehran there are around 200 to 250 so-called contaminated areas, he added.
Back in 2001 five percent of all addicts in Iran were women. However, in 2010 and 2011 their numbers rose to 9%, he continued, meaning the ratio of women addicts in the country has nearly doubled and this is an alarm bell. 
Currently 70,000 of country’s high school students have experienced using crack, he finalized. 

Drug addiction on the rise in Iran under the mullahs

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